Progress Contract
S.N Name of work Contract ID Name of Contractor Contract Amount Rs Date of Agreement Date of completion as per Agreement Revised Date of Completion Time Extended based on Original schedule Time Elapsed based on revised schedule % Time Remaining based on extended schedule(Days) Financial Progress Rs Physical Progress Progress Status Remarks
Amount Percent Last Payment Date Percent Date
1 Design and Build of Dhap Dam, Access Road and Environmental Protection Works ICB/BRBIP/PIIU-01-W Guangzhou-Lama-Raman JV 510752348.00 Sept. 10, 2015 Oct. 8, 2017 Oct. 15, 2022 341.50 126.77 -694 478531278.00 94% March 9, 2022 99.00 Nov. 10, 2022 Laging behind Expenditure excludes PA and includes VAT, Comparable to Agreement Amount. Total expenditure is 50,95,54,553