Recent Acitivities
SN | Title | Thumbnail | Content | Category | Task |
1 | Farewell program of Piiu chief Er. Nishchal Chhatkuli | 12.jpg | Farewell program of Piiu chief Er. Nishchal Chhatkuli date 2081/05/18 |
2 | यी नौ दिन बागमतीमा हुन्छ दोब्बर पानी | 24-08-12_143116.png | २७ श्रावण २०८१,मेलम्ची खानेपानी विकास समितिले यस वर्ष वर्षायाममा सहरी विकास मन्त्रालयबाट २० करोड लिटर सापटी लिइसकेको छ भने बाँकी १२ करोड लिटर पानी दसैं आसपासमा लिने भएको छ। यसरी सापटी लिएको पानी मेलम्चीले सुक्खा याममा बागमती विकास समितिलाई सोधभर्ना गर्छ । |
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3 | ३२ कराेड लिटर पानी सुन्दरीजल पानी प्रशाेधन शाखामा प्रवाह गरीने । | bb7ae8b350b114e04313e15-V.jpg | २०८१/०२/२६ गते देखि वर्षातकाे समयमा धाप ड्यामकाे पानी KUKL लाइ सापटी दिने निर्णय । मेलम्चीकाे पानी बन्द हुने भएकाेले पछि हिउदमा साेध भर्ना हुनेगरी ३२ कराेड लिटर पानी सुन्दरीजल पानी प्रशाेधन शाखामा प्रवाह गरीने । अ.स.बा.स.ए.बि.स/ KUKL मुख्य कार्यालय. सुन्दरीजल. महाकाल. / मे.खा.बि.स./ PIIU/ सु.ज.के./ सुन्दरीजल जलविधुत केन्द |
Meeting Presentation | View |
4 | पूर्व राष्ट्रपतिद्धारा धाप ड्यामको अवलोकन | WA0004.jpg | सम्माननिय पूर्व राष्ट्रपति विद्या देवी भण्डारीेले २०८१/०२/१२ गते धाप ड्यामको अवलोकन गर्नु भएको छ। |
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5 | मातातिर्थ औशीमा पानी छोड्ने निर्णय | 86087738888_RFfy0Nr.jpeg | २०८१ सालको मातातिर्थ औशी बैशाख २६ गते बागमती नदीमा पानी प्रवाह गर्ने विषयमा भएको सर्वपक्षिय बैठक जसअनुसार ३दिन ४०० लिटर प्रतिसेकेन्डका दरले बागमती नदीमा पानी प्रवाह गर्ने निर्णय गरियो। |
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6 | Welcome and Farewell programe | viber_image_2023-09-22_11-21-58-240.jpg | Welcome and farewell program of Unit chief. |
7 | Sharing of experiences gained from the implementation of Dhap Dam with DWSSM | 363500594_1754051478346291_1016469978167016610_n.jpg | It was a great pleasure to have an opportunity for Sharing experiences gained from the implementation of Dhap Dam with Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management dated31st July 2023. |
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8 | demo | viber_image_2023-07-03_11-53-17-155.jpg | Dhap dam |
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9 | Tree Enumeration Work at Nagmati Dam Project | 336614903_3216761528621988_136249976446308832_n.jpg | Tree Enumeration work is being carried out at Nagmati dam Project. |
10 | Presentation on EIA of Nagmati Dam Project | 339402362_895646235021940_7415690691398521926_n.jpg | 2023/04/10- The presentation of EIA of Nagmati Dam Project held in Ministry of Energy, Water Reqources and Irrigation. |
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11 | Online monitoring of water released from Dhap dam | Screenshot_3.png | Online monitoring mechanism has been installed to monitor the water released from the Dhap dam. This initiative has enabled for sharing the water among sectoral uses including sundarijal hydropower, KUKL and environmental flow. |
12 | Inaguration Ceremony Of Dhap Dam | viber_image_2023-02-17_11-26-42-359.jpg | The opening ceremony inagurated by the Hon'ble Deputy Prime Minister/ Minister of the MoEWRI Mr Rajendra Prasad Lingdel. |
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13 | Visit of Ministry Level by Hon'ble Minister and secretary | viber_image_2022-12-24_12-42-30-154.jpg | 12-23-2022, Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation |
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14 | Visit of the Hon'ble Minister of MoUD | 319074667_1494404121072926_3767476117217026057_n.jpg | Today 2079/08/28- Monitoring of Dhap Dam by the hon'ble Minister of the Ministry of Urban Developement. |
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15 | Agreement for building construction | agreement.jpg | Agreement made between Project Implementation Irrigation Unit and Shrinkhala Nirwaan pvt. Ltd for the construction of O & M Building and security post dated 5th Dec, 2022. |
16 | Inception report presentation on alternative aspect of Nagmati Dam project | presentation.jpg | A brief presentation held on the inception report for the Nagmati Component. |
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17 | Correspondence with SNNP | snnp.jpg | Today, 29th November 2022, Meeting on the subject of security from the intervention of wildlife and hunman vice versa, Social awareness training and Management plan. |
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18 | Bathymetric Survey | received_685495306623027.jpeg | 22nd November,2022 Commencement of Bathymetric Survey at Dhap Reservoir.. |
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19 | One step ahead towards IWRM | viber_image_2022-11-14_16-11-49-282.jpg | Today, dated 2079/07/28, Major water users of Bagmati river head reach participated in the meeting of the action committee mandated for exercising the Integrated Water Resource Management in the context of release from the Dhap Dam. |
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20 | Water Auditing in the head reach of the Bagmati River | in_out.jpg | Today, dated 2079/07/25, A team comprising the president of HPCIDBC, PIIU, ADB, Consultant, and local residents visited the head reach of the Bagmati/ Nagmati river. The team observed the various uses of the water of Bagmati river tapped from various locations and realised a firm coordiation for the integrated use of the scarce water.
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21 | Garbage collection activities around Dhap Dam by Nepal Army Personnel | 313343929_462145549320651_6889849881399874469_n.jpg | Today dated 2079/07/26, A team of the Nepal army visited the Dhap Dam site and was involved in garbage collection activities. Many thanks for such an exemplary work.
22 | Instrumentation | received_481498073885936.jpeg | 2022/09/22 , Meeting held on seepage measurement instrumentation |
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23 | Meeting on distribution of water of the Bagmati and Nagmati | a.jpg | 9/21/2022- Meeting held on the topic of existing drinking water of Bagmati and Nagmati in the presence of different stakeholders, MoUD, BRBIP,PIIU,ADB, KUKL, Local government, MDWP |
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24 | Pre-Bid Meeting | 294036819_5908276529187251_5988552313772510214_n.jpg | Pre-Bid Meeting held in PIIU Office for the Construction of O & M Building, SNNP and Security Posts dated 19th July, 2022.
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25 | MOA with Centre for Water Resources Study (CWRS),IOE | 289655933_387407006697293_2871208996785809452_n.jpg | An MOA is signed today with the Centre for Water Resources Study (CWRS),IOE for Soil Erosion, Reservoir Sedimentation, and Slope Stability Assessment of Dhap Dam dated 2022.06.21. Thanks, prof. Dr. Vishnu sir and the team for your encouraging initiative in this regard. |
26 | ADB Mission and Presentation on Dhap Dam Status | 284804395_284753953796576_74063043481146760_n.jpg | Status of Dhap dam implementation has been presented to the ADB Mission dated 3rd June, 2022 at BRBIP hall. |
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27 | Meeting with SNNP for the EIA Consultation of Nagmati Dam | 284599617_579519403510474_3305370945096545529_n.jpg | A meeting was held on 1st June with SNNP and EIA Consultant regarding the Nagmati Dam |
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28 | Presentation on Hydrological Modeling of the Nagmati Dam | 280485130_4922164064575736_2381216701687666495_n.jpg | Consultant team presented about conceptual hydrological modeling of Nagmati dam on 9th May 2022 in the Ministry of Energy water Resources and Irrigation. |
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29 | Site Visit by HPCIDBC Team | 279467905_428448375951296_7099091094543421672_n.jpg | Dhap Dam Site visit by HPCIDBC Team Dated 2nd May, 2022. |
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30 | Survey for Roadside Bioengineering | viber_image_2022-04-03_06-58-45-040.jpg | Today :3rd April, 2022, Site survey for the conduction of Bio-Engineering. |
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31 | माननिय सांसद Krishna Rai को भ्रमन | viber_image_2022-04-18_15-52-14-078.jpg | आज 2nd April, 2022, माननिय सांसद Krishna Rai द्वारा कार्य प्रगति अनुगमन |
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32 | Nagmati EIA Update Study: Field Visit | viber_image_2022-03-12_14-37-12-483.jpg | Field verification work for Nagmati EIA study in the presence of Project team, SNNP and EIA consultant. |
33 | Nature based solution (Bioengineering) team experts' visit to dam site | 274357012_699721771049693_4114225237201848888_n.jpg | A team of experts visited the dam site and road side area in SNNP for planning slope stabilization works dated 2078/11/14. |
34 | Audit of Fiscal Year 2077/78 | 20220310_141831.jpg | Auditing of Fiscal Year 2077/78 has been started by a team from the office of auditor general led by Mr. Bhumi Acharya. |
35 | Dam Instrumentation Demonstration in office | 20220310_122930.jpg | Dam Instrumentation was conducted by the contractor team on 10th March 2022 in the presence of Consultant and Employer. |
36 | Dhap Dam Site visit by DWRI team lead by DDG Churna Bdr. Oli sir. | viber_image_2022-02-20_10-43-55-070.jpg | Dhap Visit held on 2022/02/18 in the present of Deputy Director General, Churna Oli and the personnel of DWRI. |
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37 | Public hearing on EIA Update Study of Nagmati Dam. | 271733597_302551865262177_4692095430091670907_n.jpg | Today: 17th January, 2022. As Ministry of Forest and Environment has given approval to conduct EIA for Nagmati Dam, Nagmati Dam project succesfully performed the Public Hearing in Melamchi plant office and Mulkharka. |
38 | RLS | IMG_20220109_133920.jpg | Searching appropriate location for radar level sensor with team, DHM. |
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39 | Site Visit By Hon. Minister and team, Urban Development. | 263600435_2177850689060343_6822732337905108425_n.jpg | Today: 4th December, 2021. The visit of Nagmati Project site and monitoring of the Dhap project progress by Hon. Ministry, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Director General and other high level team of Ministry of Urban Developement has been conducted and given strong instrcution to focus on the ongoing project accomplishment and to take initiation on the newer.
40 | ADB Mission at Dhap Dam Site | 260685568_1331579797262628_7818044758125676910_n.jpg | Site visit of Dhap Dam, ADB Mission on 26th November, 2021 |
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41 | Meeting of ADB Mission | 259693147_493866178430977_5245481063079547758_n.jpg | Review Mission of BRBIP/BRBIP-AF: Working Session with, project Implementation irrigation unit and Shivapuri-Nagarjun National Park on 24th November, 2021 |
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42 | Site Visit by The Secretary and The Team, MoEWRI, DWRI. | 250627879_248905307259505_2006273126860033846_n.jpg | Today dated 30th Oct, 2021, Respected Secretary of Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Director General of Department of Water Resources and Irrigation and other high level officers visited Dhap Dam site and provided inportant guidance and suggestions for the successful accomplishment of the Project. |
43 | Fairwell | received_857887235098311.jpeg | Fairwell given to the Sub engineer Bikal Binod Chaudhary. |
44 | Geotechnical Study of Dhap Dam: MSc Thesis presentation by an IOE Student. | IMG_20210926_104420.jpg | Presentation on thesis of Dhap Dam of ME student supported by PIIU |
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45 | Meeting with Department and PMCSC | 243859631_351412286671233_4191997782912721516_n.jpg | A Brief meeting was held on 28th Sept, 2021 in the Departmet of Water Resources and Irrigation. The meeting was chaired by Director General of the Department in the presence of DDGs, Deputy Team Leader of PMCSC consultant and PIIU team. A brief presentation was done by unit chief regarding the current issues of Nagmati and Dhap Dam project.
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46 | Presentation on Operation and Maintenance Building Design for Dhap Dam | 241929469_216397877177164_536203541411806151_n.jpg | Presentation on Design of Operation and Maintenance Building, SNNP Building and Security Post in the presence of HPCIDBC, BRBIP, SNNP, Nepal Army and ADB Team. |
47 | Presentation on Nagmati Dam in the presence of Minister of MoEWRI | viber_image_2021-09-03_14-23-11-59111.jpg | A brief presentation was conducted in the MoEWRI in the presence of Hon. Minister, Pampha Bhusal on 3rd September, 2021. |
48 | Meeting With Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Team | 239709594_571070947266580_744318940449073245_n.jpg | A brief presentation was made to the team of NEA about the Nagmati Dam Project. A very prospective optimization was proposed by the NEA Team lead by Sr. Er. Bimal Gurung, Deputy Manager. |
49 | Tripartite Meeting Held | 228968279_227075002646484_8969654375312668203_n.jpg | A Tripartite meeting was held on 9th August, 2021 in the PIIU Office. Discussion was made on contemporary issues. |
50 | Presentation about Nagmati Dam in Presence of Rt. Honourable President of Nepal | bagmati.jpg | A brief presentation about Nagmati Dam was made in the glorious presence of Rt. Honourable President of Nepal dated 2078.03.06. |
51 | Presentation about Nagmati Dam | viber_image_2021-06-16_21-11-50.jpg | A brief presentation about Nagmati Dam was organized in BRBIP Hall to the local stakeholders including the MP of Federal House of Representative of constituency No 3, Kathmandu and other political leaders in the presence of Project Director and President of HPCIDBC. |
52 | Virtual Meeting on Work Progress @ 2078/02/28 | Meet_-_ave-xvui-bbg_-_Google_Chrome_11_06_2021_12_15_01.png | A virtual meeting was held on 2078/02/28 among Employer, Consultant and Contractor to discuss on issues related to work progress. International Expert from Consultant side and International designer from contractor's side were also involved. | IMPORTANT | View |
53 | ADB Mission held | skyscrapers.jpg | ADB Mission was held regarding to BRBIP and BRBIP-AF Projects dated April 7 2021 to April 19 2021. | IMPORTANT | View |
54 | Ministry of Forest and Environment Team's Field Visit | Nagmati_Google_1.jpg | Field Visit to Nagmati Dam site by Secretary of Ministry and DG of National Park |