The Nagmati Dam is a component of the Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (BRBIP), which has the objective of improving water security and resilience to potential climate change impact in the Bagmati River Basin. The purpose of the Nagmati Dam is to boost the flow in the Bagmati River through Kathmandu over the entire dry season. The intent is to store water during the Monsoon season and release this water downstream to the Bagmati River during the dry season. Project History: A feasibility study was carried out by the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) on the proposed Nagmati Dam in 2012 to 2103. This was undertaken as an Asian Development Bank (ADB) Technical Assistance project, TA 8050. This work commenced in November 2012 and the feasibility report was issued in June 2013. Water Balance Modelling previously undertaken for the Bagmati River Basin assessed the required release from the Nagmati Dam. The aim of this release volume was to fulfil two objectives with a minimum reliability of 66%. The prime objective is achieving perennial flow and water quality targets at Gokarna and Pashnupatinath, namely a minimum flow target of 200 l/s and a water quality target of at least bathing standard. A second desirable objective in addition to the first, if both economically and technically feasible, is to improve the water quality downstream of Pashnupatinath in synergy with the planned upgraded Guheshwori Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP): the river will likely to remain anaerobic even with an upgraded WWTP, and hence continue producing strong odours, unless the WWTP’s effluent is significantly diluted with additional oxygenated river flow. Based on this Water Balance Modelling it was concluded that to achieve these objectives required a guaranteed 400 l/s flow target in the Bagmati River at Sundarijal. Therefore the storage volume provided by the Nagmati Dam needs to provide a 100% reliability for this flow at Sundarijal throughout the entire year, taking into account existing water usage between the Nagmati Dam site and Sundarijal. To meet the objective; the project aimed to prepare detail design for a large 90 meter high dam at the Nagmati River storing up to 8 Million m3 of water, sufficient to provide a dry season environmental flow of 400 l/s. The study concluded that for this dam site the most cost effective dam type was the concrete faced rockfill dam. The proposed project further aimed to improve watershed condition in the Shivapuri-Nagarjun National Park (SNNP) through its proper management as well as in the Bagmati River catchment area. The contract on the survey design work was signed between the DOI and the contractor Hydro-electric Corporation Trading “Entura” in 2015 with the agreement to finish work within 2017. Accordingly, the consultant has submitted the final version of report with the cost of project NRs around 8 Billion.